1.1. It is forbidden:
1.1.1. Post on the Forum messages and files that violate moral and ethical standards, obscenity.
1.1.2. Insult, use foul language, including in relation to the individual, the language of communication, nationality, racial or religious, political affiliations of other Forum participants.
1.1.3. Disseminate deliberately false, defamatory information.
1.1.4. Disseminate information about the private life of other Forum participants, without their consent and consent.
1.1.5. Publish at the Forum any potentially malicious code (viruses, Trojans, sniffers, etc.) and / or direct links to resources containing such code. Files (including graphics) published on the forum should not lead to distortion of the appearance of the forum and slow down the browser. If the file is larger than 200 KB and (or) the photo file is more than 800 pixels. On the larger side - it is necessary to give a link to it, and not to insert on the page topics of the forum.
1.1.6. Publish the same or similar message in several instances, in one or different topics.
1.1.7. Publish messages classified as "spam": unsolicited messages, "letters of happiness," suggestions for joining pyramid schemes. References, messages and signatures of a knowingly commercial and commercial nature, etc. In some cases, ads are private.
1.1.8. Use in your posts names or aliases, as well as graphic elements that will lead to the fact that you will be mistaken for another participant of the Forum.
1.1.9. Publicly discuss the actions of the Moderator and / or the Administrator.
1.2. Recommended:
1.2.1. If you ask questions, the answers to which require some effort or affect the interests of potential interlocutors, you should build a question and subsequent discussion so that they are interested and pleasant to communicate with you.
1.2.2. Try to keep your messages consistent with the Forum.
1.2.3. Adhere to the most correct style of communication - the interlocutor does not hear your intonations, does not see the face - in online communication it is very easy to lose contact.
1.2.4. Avoid public quarrels - they will damage your reputation, even if you are absolutely right.
2.1. The forum is moderated. The basis for moderation is formal control over compliance with these Rules, but the actions of the Moderator may go beyond formal control - his task is to use common sense to provide all participants with the possibility of effective discussion.
2.2. The moderator himself is a participant of the Forum, therefore the obligation to comply with the Rules extends to him.
2.3. The forum administration has the right to remove or block the login of the forum participant in the following cases:
- if the participant has not left a single message on the forum within 6 months after registration;
- if the user of the forum has 1 (one) message, and he did not visit the forum for more than 12 months.
3.1. In case of violation of one or several paragraphs of the Rules by the Forum participant, the Moderator has the right to correct and / or delete the infringer's message, specifying in it the reason for his actions and his signature. Messages classified as "spam" are deleted by the Moderator without further warning and / or indicating the reason for their actions.
3.2. In the event of a repeated violation of the Rules, the Moderator is obliged to issue a warning to the offender with indication of the violated paragraphs of the Rules.
3.3. In case of systematic violation of the Rules and / or ignoring the warnings from the Moderator, the Moderator has the right to impose restrictions on the participant's ability to use the Forum or completely prohibit him from using the Forum subordinate to him. These restrictions or prohibitions can be imposed as on a deadline determined by the Moderator, and for good.
3.4. The Moderator's actions at the Forum are not discussed. All claims to the Moderator must be sent by a private message or e-mail. To appeal against the actions of the Moderator, you must send an e-mail with the full description of the claim to the Administrator of the forum.
4.1. Administration of the Forum does not bear any responsibility for the information left by Forum participants in messages and their personal profiles. Administration does not guarantee the authenticity, completeness and usefulness of all messages at the Forum. All messages reflect only the author's opinion and can not be used to assess the opinions of all participants in general and the Forum Administration itself.
4.2. All responsibility for the information that the Forum participant leaves in the messages and in his profile lies entirely on the participant himself.
4.3. The Administration of the Forum undertakes not to publish the participant's private information contained in his personal profile and not use it for his own purposes. At the same time, in case of violation of this Forum by the participant of the Rules and / or current legislation, the Administration reserves the right to disclose private information of the infringer, both to other users of the Forum, and to power departments.
Rules of the forum
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