On our server there are rules and their violation is punished by ban. Read them, remember and do not break them.
What is forbidden to do:
1. Use cheat programs and game bugs.
2. Attack from the base in the game mode CONQUEST. (BASECAMPING / CAMPE)
3. The shelling of an enemy base (an unoccupied) point from any type of weapon, as well as throwing grenades, defpaks, etc. (BASERAPING / RAPE)
4. Intentional killing of his teammates. (TEAMKILL / TK)
5. Rough swearing, spam in chat or radio-teams. (FLOOD)
6. Use the technique as a taxi. (TAXI)
7. Violate the team balance. (TEAMBALANCE / TB)
8. Put C4 (defpack) under its flag in the game mode CTF. (C4)
9. Ship wrecked ships, submarines, aircraft carriers. Bring them out of the map.
10. Destroy the technique of his team.
11. Intentionally cause damage to teammates.
12. Select the technique from teammates during the repair process.
13. Use someone else's or offensive nicknames and clan tags, impersonate the admin, not being one.
14. Use non-Latin letters and forbidden characters in names and nicknames.
15. Advertise something.
16. To bypass the bath. Do not try to bypass the ban - this will lead to an even longer ban.
17. It is deliberate to keep the technique, not using it in combat.
18.A long absence in the game AFK (inaction)
19. Actions not aimed at winning the team
Rules of the server
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