Найдено 13 результатов

Пт июл 06, 2018 04:54
Форум: Штрафбат
Тема: Berlin infantry
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 20451

Berlin infantry

boom pew paw! I'm faster than lightning


Ср июл 12, 2017 22:27
Форум: English Forum
Тема: Ban Appeal
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 23238

Re: Ban Appeal

I am not a liar. NuT'CraCker has been my nickname since 2009 and I have never seen any other nutcracker. In that period I played in -=U=- clan as -=U=- NuT'CraCkeR in BF42. https://www.gametracker.com/player/-%3DU%3D-%20NuT'CraCkeR/ax.bf1942.sk:14567/ - this is 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
Ср июл 12, 2017 16:39
Форум: English Forum
Тема: Ban Appeal
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 23238

Re: Ban Appeal

NuT CraCkeR is me and I usually play as -=U=- jabulani, I use these 2 names for a long time. Today I just changed it to ''sergo'', nothing more. Why am I banned for this? I understand you don't like when I change names.. and I've got nothing to hide, seriously. P.S - It may be confusing because my I...
Ср июл 12, 2017 16:22
Форум: English Forum
Тема: Ban Appeal
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 23238

Re: Ban Appeal

I was playing as sergo(sorry for fake name) and cannot join the server with the IP: 84.50.36.XXX
Ср июл 12, 2017 16:03
Форум: English Forum
Тема: Ban Appeal
Ответы: 13
Просмотры: 23238

Re: Ban Appeal


It seems that I am banned again. Can anyone tell me why?

Пт июл 07, 2017 23:58
Форум: English Forum
Тема: ????
Ответы: 32
Просмотры: 49719

Re: ????

No no. I didn't say that, it is just funny :D It never happens in regular BF42
Пт июл 07, 2017 22:28
Форум: English Forum
Тема: ????
Ответы: 32
Просмотры: 49719

Re: ????

https://i.gyazo.com/34c97aab491eea9b380 ... 11eb50.mp4 -- opa..

and to the question ''where was I before?'' - I started playing Desert Combat in 2017, before that I only played Battlefield 1942, since 2004.
Пт июл 07, 2017 08:38
Форум: English Forum
Тема: ????
Ответы: 32
Просмотры: 49719

Re: ????

дадада, он не читер. конешно же все поверят, кроме меня конешно) у нас сайга пофикшена, и отдача и количство пуль. так что вдаль стрелять бестолку. а в упор -2 быстрых выстрела и прицелится невозможно. ибо сайгу ворочает в разныет стороны, и вверх и вниз и влево и вправо. что абсолютно в ноль снижа...
Чт июл 06, 2017 18:49
Форум: English Forum
Тема: ????
Ответы: 32
Просмотры: 49719

Re: ????

"The only request is not so often to change nicknames"

Okay, I understand.
Thank you, see you in game.
Чт июл 06, 2017 18:23
Форум: English Forum
Тема: ????
Ответы: 32
Просмотры: 49719

Re: ????

Dobroi den. -=U=- jabulani - Eto ja, i ja ne chiter. Admini tam na drugom serv - deti. Guys, this is a problem. I was banned from BFG server, yes. They never got any proof and just banned me. It's extremely sad that in an old game like BF42, kid-admins rule the place. Now when I play on Maxnet.UA, I...

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